Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rick Santorum on youth going to college.

President Obamas statement that every kid should go to go to college was challenged a few weeks ago by republican primary nominee Rick Santorum.

Santorum said:

"The hubris of this president to think that he knows best for you. This is the kind of snobbery that we see from those who think they know how to run our lives."

This was not a snobbish statement by our president. He only made the sugestion because in the broad scope, it is beneficial for the individual, their household, community and country if we have more educated people per capita than we do right now. This quote by Rick is just another republican tactic to attack the president on anything he has to say. In this case, Rick picks a topic in where he is the anemic minority. This man clearly does not want our culture to better itself through education. Shame on him.

1 comment:

  1. While I am in NO way defending Rick Santourm, a man by the way who I GREATLY disagree with, I believe he worded that statement very poorly. I agree with the President that he feels everyone should at least make an attempt at a college education, it should by no means by mandatory. I don't believe President Obama is suggesting that be the case but I see where Rick Santorum gauged his response, again worded very poorly on his part. Technically we live in a free society and we should never be forced into anything we don't agree with doing. Example being going to wars that we don't believe in. I agree 100% with your opinion that Obama only suggested that college might have a beneficial effect for the individual in many ways. I can see where down the road he might suggest that students who are graduating high school must attend at least 2 years of college. I don't think that would ever happen but then again I never would have thought American's can now be arrested by the military and be denied legal counsel and imprisoned indefinitely without trial my judge. But that's another topic for another day. Bottom line is Rick Santorum is a moron but I see where his logic comes from, thankfully we don't have to agree with it.
