Friday, February 10, 2012

What The #@*% Do We Know: hour 1

Part 1 - Hour 1
It is important for us as human beings to explore the unknown. We have been doing so since we were put on this earth. But unlike explorers of the past, whom set out to decypher if the world was flat or what is was like on the surface of the moon, quantum theorists delve into the molecular level to explore anomolies that we do not understand yet. Quantum physics is the theory of laying out the possibilities of the unknown, why molecules seem to disappear and reappear out of existance, and what that can mean for us. After seeing this program, i do not believe there is much i can contribute to the discussion, beiing as that i never studied quantum mechanics before. All i can share is my opinion at this point.

One topic that hie movie goes into is the possibility of alternate dimentions. Basically speaking, a different reality in which different decisions are made by the individual, altering the course of existance. This can also explain where these molecules go when they disappear. I do not know how i feel about this. it has been over done on movies, and cartoons to the point of mockery. To say there is another world out there where i have gone against my thoughts as i am now is kind of silly to me. And like i said. its all about Quantum mechanics. it is all speculation at this point and i have a hard time believing in something without hard evidence. So to me, Alternate dimentions can be put along side of the tooth fairy and sasquatch. We will have to find out alot more about the sub-atomic world before i am convinced in any more quantum theories related to alternate dimentions.

I found it interesting to learn that nothing is solid. The fundimantal particles make up a very small amount of the atom. there is space in between everything. In other words, fill up a cylander with large marbles. There is alot of space in between those marbles as they rest. Now try to put your flat palm through the marbles. you can not. and although not solid, it is still not easilly penetrable.

I do not believe that by taking 4,000 volunteers from 100 countries to Washington DC and having them meditate on a daily basis, reduces crime. That just sounds so crazy and implausible to believe that an individuals mental focus and spiritual awareness has the power to change the well being of a city and mindset of a particular group of people through mass meditation. This has to be coincidence. an anomoly of mass scale. And although i believe that everyone afffects the reality that everyone else precieves, its hard to believe that just thought alone can change a group of peoples lifestyle. However, the next segment about thought, attitude and their effects on the molecular structure of water reeled me in. Masaru Emoto experimented by applying mental stimuli and photographed it. The experiment showed that taking normal dam water and having a buddhist zen monk bless it, the molecular structure changed into a beautiful clean looking form as opposed to giving water negative mental stimuli, where the water turned rancid, discolored and odd-shaped. I was so intrested in this topic, i went to purchace one of Emotos' books. To my surprise i found out that the book i bought was published by my favorite author of all time: Louise L. Hay. I am really looking forward on reading his books and finding out new evidence to support these conclusions of "mind over matter"

The section about god is very contriversial. the speakers on the program basically explain that religion as we know it today, puts out a poor reflection on what it believes to be god

It was intresting to find out how addiction works on a mollecular level, and how everyones addictions differ. you constantly do things to feed yourcells' addiction.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Robert Liodice response

Joseph Ortiz                                                                                                  Prof. Wiseman

Robert Liodice response

Success. Prosperity.  Stimulating the economy of a nation. It is part of the American dream.  Without Freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas, America would be no better than any other nation.  According to Robert Liodice, author of the article - Advertising and Freedom Of Speech: Beware of the Food Nanny – “Without free exchange of information, we limit the ability of Americans to make the choices that are inherently theirs to make. When those freedoms are jeopardized, we all lose.”  I agree with this way of thinking. You have the freedom to advertise and promote your project, as do consumers to say “NO.” or “I’ll take three please.” Of Americas problems, Obesity (although in part genetics) seems as though it is most likely to be cured.  This needs to be done without trampling on our core rights.  To my dismay, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) did something that was neither based on science or public interest. They developed guidelines that could potentially force industries to promote proper commercial interactions with consumers and force-feed (for lack of a better term) proper nutrition in their advertisements.  The CSPI seeks to have some control communications in TV shows, video games, websites and even books. They want to interfere with companies ability use of premiums, incentives, cross-promotions, sponsorships and even the isles in supermarkets. This is an attack on the marketing freedoms of food and restaurant businesses and the entire marketing industry.
Americans must have the free will to realize their free will and the importance of parent responsibility, education, diet and physical activity. Blaming obesity on genetics alone is a poor excuse. You have to influence the Genes at some point in time so now is a good time as any to reverse the process. Restaurant companies are taking it upon themselves to have available healthy alternatives in their market, using products low in cholesterol, fat and calories. In turn adding more whole grains, milk products, and salad items.

A news article i found on child obesity.

Parents, more than parenting, may be to blame for obesity

at 09:12 AM ET, 11/28/2011

The story of a Cleveland 8-year-old put into foster care because his mother neglected to manage his weight, allowing it to rise to 200 pounds, has drawn national attention. It is the first time that state officials can recall a child being moved into foster care solely because of his weight.
Many have attacked the move as an overreach, with the state inappropriately moving a child out of his mother’s house. Ethical issues aside, the case raises an interesting policy question: Will it work? How much do parents influence their children’s weight?
Researchers don’t have a simple answer to that question, but they have learned that much of a parent’s influence on childhood obesity has to do with genetics rather than environment.
To start, studies have found that, of the many home-environment factors at play, maternal obesity is the best predictor of childhood obesity, even more so than low family income or less cognitive stimulation.
But more recent research, particularly a highly cited study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggested that was more a question of genes than habits. The study, which followed 5,092 pairs of British twins ages 8 to 11, found that the most influence parents have on obesity is actually genetic, a factor of inheritance, rather than the environment. “Contrary to widespread assumptions about the influence of the family environment, living in the same home in childhood appears to confer little similarity in adult BMI [body mass index],” authors Jane Wardle, Susan Carnell, Claire Haworth and Robert Plomin write.
The research raises one key question: If obesity is genetic, why has it increased so much in recent years? The researchers explain that, some of the genetic predispositions for obesity have existed for awhile. But changes to our food environment, like the proliferation of fast food, have enabled those predispositions to become more powerful.
“Although contemporary environments have made today’s children fatter than were children 20 years ago, the primary explanation for variations within the population, then and now, is genetic differences between individual children,” they write.
To be sure, environmental factors such as television watching, food consumption and physical activity matter, too. And so do very early parenting decisions: bottle-feeding as a baby, for example, is associated with a higher rate of obesity than breastfeeding. Schools, particularly with the food they serve and recess time they provide, play a role, too. The research on parental influences on childhood obesity suggests that childhood obesity is a complex, multi-faceted issue where even a parent’s own influence — her own genes — are a factor she can’t control.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rick Santorum on youth going to college.

President Obamas statement that every kid should go to go to college was challenged a few weeks ago by republican primary nominee Rick Santorum.

Santorum said:

"The hubris of this president to think that he knows best for you. This is the kind of snobbery that we see from those who think they know how to run our lives."

This was not a snobbish statement by our president. He only made the sugestion because in the broad scope, it is beneficial for the individual, their household, community and country if we have more educated people per capita than we do right now. This quote by Rick is just another republican tactic to attack the president on anything he has to say. In this case, Rick picks a topic in where he is the anemic minority. This man clearly does not want our culture to better itself through education. Shame on him.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Responses to the first assignment.

Joseph Ortiz                                                                                                                                Critical Thinking
Professor Wiseman                                                                                                                   Journal 1 intro

Case 1: Michael and capital punishment –
Michael is a classic flip-flopper. The man cannot make up his mind despite his efforts in doing research on the topic.  Capital punishment is not a deterrent. It has been known since the beginning of mankind that if someone believes strong enough in something, they will die for it. From “Adam and Eve” to suicide bombers, it is clear as day to see that humans will go to any length to achieve wisdom, establish ethnocentricity or see to it that their religion reigns supreme.  Capital punishment is nothing more than a means to seek revenge so the grieving families can have a sense of closure.  An eye for an eye.
Case 2: Maria and adopting a mans’  last name.
Marias problem is that she is trying to make this a sexist issue.  Adopting a surname has been around since 2500 years BC. It is tradition and nothing more.  It makes tracing lineage a lot easier rather than changing names over and over again for the history books, it simplifies things a little bit. However, if the man she is going to marry sees this as a big issue for her, I would never let something like a common name stand in between me and love. Maria needs a chill pill.
Case 3: Pete
In one aspect of culture, It is obviously wrong to force people into adopting your cultural practices, but it happens around the world, all of the time.  Just recently, we tried installing a democratic regime in Iraq, to benefit our country. In some places, cultures wear out their welcome and you see it in the news every day.  Egypt, Syria. As far as art and humanities, nobody should be discriminated against.
Case 4:  Bizarre Foods
Cuisine is a cultural thing. You find that in poorer countries like Thailand, it is actually commonplace to eat think that Americans wouldn’t even consider if they were starving for days, such as bugs and scorpions.  We have domesticated Dogs and cats and treat them as one of the family. A lot of people only eat what is available to them. It is a regional thing. Americans are importing the finest goods from all over the world, so we don’t know what it is like to HAVE to eat a dog to stay alive.
Part 2:
The last step is difficult because it deals with acceptance of the hard truth.   You know what needs to be done, or not be done for that matter, so if insubordination prevails, you will get a lower grade.  Students must have an understanding of the importance of attending every class.  I believe that every teacher I have had so far was fair to explain and enforce their guidelines and each should be respected accordingly.